2b mindset, mindset, nutrition mindset, mindset makeover, eat healthy, get healthy, portion control,

Healthy Habits for Weight Loss

It’s time to work on HEALTHY HABITS for weight loss!

I am reading and whoa, I am LOVING IT!!!

2b mindset, mindset, nutrition mindset, mindset makeover, eat healthy, get healthy, portion control, liift4

As it turns out there is science behind our habits! 

Habits get formed because our brain wants to be efficient and save effort. I’m all about efficiency, that’s for sure! 

An efficient brain allows us to not think consciously about routine behaviors to conserve our mental efforts. Isn’t that great?!  The problem comes in when our habits aren’t doing us any favors. Some of those not-so-good habits that come to mind are nighttime snacking, avoiding physical fitness or drinking too many adult beverages. How about when we combine these three things while binge watching the latest favorite show?! Sound familiar?

We develop “Habit Loops” that are formed from a cue, a routine and a reward. What cues or triggers a habit like EMOTIONAL EATING for you? An argument with my son does it every time for me!


Habits aren’t destiny – they can be ignored, modified, and replaced! The not-so-good news is that habits don’t actually disappear forever (riding a bike, driving a car) and it seems like bad habits are harder to avoid!! IT IS POSSIBLE THOUGH!!!

During the Healthy Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle success group, we will flesh out the habits that are sabotaging your weight loss and keeping you from reaching your health and fitness goals. We will learn to TAKE CONTROL of the habit loops that have become routines that are keeping you in a rut!

We’ll start on July 9th and spend a week reviewing our habits and then kick off a 30 day challenge to kick the rotten habits to the curb and replace them with healthy habits for a healthy lifestyle. Apply right here to get more information and save your spot!


There are a lot of fitness options out there, right?! A TON actually! Once you fill out the application form, I will match you up with a fitness program personalized to your needs and abilities. Some examples are dance fitness, a brand new program that combine weight lifting and hiit cardio – only 4 days a week!! How about that for efficiency?! Read all about that right here.

And, if you’re not quite ready for fitness, I have a nutrition focused program that will have you losing weight that will get you wanting to exercise! Read all about that right here!


How about a super awesome recipe to get you started? Replace that cheesesteak sandwich with this tasty alternative! Here is the recipe!

clean eats, philly cheesesteak, breakfast, lunch, brunch, 2b mindset, healthy eating, good nutrition, lose weight, weight loss, diet, clean eating, summer vegetable, vegetable, protein, philly cheesesteak




Apply here!