five to thrive, rachel hollis, michelle krill, get fit over 40, lose weight fast, new year resolution, last 90 days, last 90 days challenge, end of year weight loss, women over 40 lose weight, lose weight free

How to make the most of 2018!

21 days to create a habit, 90 days to change your life…

What if you committed to living your last 90 days of this year as hard as you are committing to living the first 30 days of the new year? What if instead of a downhill slide into 2019, you are ramping up?! #soundsgood!

I’m in for the #last90days challenge and wanted to pass this amazing opportunity along to all of my clients!

get fit over 40, lose weight fast, new year resolution, last 90 days, last 90 days challenge, end of year weight loss, women over 40 lose weight, lose weight free

I really enjoy all things Rachel Hollis and am very excited to be moderating a FREE community for ladies that are ready to finish 2018 STRONG! Sign up for the weekly emails from Rachel Hollis here and join the companion Facebook community too! Here’s the link to the group.

Feel free to invite friends to join you – an accountability buddy can make all the difference!

All my joy, Michelle

five to thrive, rachel hollis, michelle krill, get fit over 40, lose weight fast, new year resolution, last 90 days, last 90 days challenge, end of year weight loss, women over 40 lose weight, lose weight free