last 90 days, weight loss, diet and exercise, lose weight over the holiday, thanksgiving challenge, eat more lose weight, 2b mindset, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, almost 50, home fitness, lose weight at home, weight loss support

Ready for the Holiday Hustle?!

Join me this November for the Holiday Hustle!

Two more months!! That’s all that’s left in 2018. Did you set health and wellness goals for this year? How did it go? Did you meet your goals? If not, are you pushing them off for the new year now? If you did meet your goals, do you have a plan to stay focused? I am not where I want to be, and I’m betting there are a lot of ladies out there just like me!! Join me for the HOLIDAY HUSTLE before the hustle and bustle really begins!

weight loss, diet and exercise, lose weight over the holiday, thanksgiving challenge, eat more lose weight, 2b mindset, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, almost 50, home fitness, lose weight at home, weight loss support

Have you read the book, Girl Wash Your Face? It’s a real eye opener with straight talk about the lies we tell ourselves (often because we’ve heard it from others so much!) to stay complacent. Things like, I can’t change. Things like, I’m not good enough. ALL LIES!!!

Rachel Hollis, the author of , threw out a challenge that we all RAMP UP our efforts for the last 90 days of the year, rather than being one of those that starts a quick downhill slide with Halloween candy and continues through to the Christmas cookies. Many Americans pack on 7-10 pounds during the last three months of the year. WOW!!!

I accepted the challenge and I am also am hosting a Facebook group with 2000+ ladies that are ramping up right along with me. We are committed to the daily practices that come with the challenge – named the 5 TO THRIVE.  The practices are adaptable and we each add a few others that we know will help us get to our goals NOW – NOT WAIT until the new year.

The 5 to Thrive

One of the practices is to get up an hour earlier and do something for you! I decided that I was going to finish one of the many personal development books that I had bought and started. I am digging into Mastering Your Mean Girl and I’m so glad. I have had the book for quite a few months, but just kept finding myself too busy to start it. The subtitle says it all – ‘the NO-BS guide to silencing your inner critic and becoming wildly wealthy, fabulously healhy, and bursting with love’. WOW!!!

Make sure and follow me on Instagram for my daily words of wisdom from my readings and also to share your daily personal development with me!

A second practice is to give up a food group that you know you shouldn’t be eating so much of. For me, this was super obvious. I had to start SAYING NO TO SUGAR. I made it 20 days in October and fell off the wagon for a couple of days, but with the support of my group, I got back on and plan to continue my NO SUGAR efforts into November.

Here’s my October tracker so far. Download a blank one for yourself here! I’m prepping my November tracker right now.

last 90 days, weight loss, diet and exercise, lose weight over the holiday, thanksgiving challenge, eat more lose weight, 2b mindset, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, almost 50, home fitness, lose weight at home, weight loss support


I am a person that eats clean already, so sugar was the thing that was keeping me from losing weight and, well, it was just making me feel puffy and yucky. Watch the video below for some clean eating tips and grab your free clean eating shopping list too!

I committed to 30 minutes of daily fitness with a 21 day workout program that I do at home. I have done the program before, so I know it totally works when I commit to BOTH the food and the fitness. Here are my before photos – afters to come around November 10th. Check back – and definitely follow me on Facebook and Instagram too!


last 90 days, weight loss, diet and exercise, lose weight over the holiday, thanksgiving challenge, eat more lose weight, 2b mindset, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, almost 50, home fitness, lose weight at home, weight loss supportThis November, I am hosting a 21 day HOLIDAY HUSTLE!!!

From November 1 – 21 (yep, sandwiched in between Halloween and Thanksgiving), I am inviting 30 ladies to join me to RAMP UP their end of year efforts. My goal is to drop 8-10 pounds before Thanksgiving using an easy to follow nutrition program that does not require counting points, calories or macros. I will do 20-30 minutes of daily fitness and drink my water.

When we sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, let’s plan to be wearing pants that don’t have us feeling tight before we even eat one bite. Plus, what we learn in the group will help everyone make healthier choices at the feast and carry those principles right into the Christmas holiday season too.

Let’s do this! We are stronger together!

Drop me a message at or fill out the information form here and I’ll be in touch in 24-28 hours.