Conquer Clutter, marie kondo, tidying up, clean up clutter, tips to clean up clutter, reduce clutter, feel great now, michelle krill, home organization, tips for home organization, keep your home tidy

5 Tips to Conquer Clutter

Ready to start the challenge to conquer clutter around the house? Clutter and chaos around the house can really zap our energy. I love the saying, a place for everything and everything in it’s place. I wish everyone in my house felt the same way! Who feels me??

Conquer Clutter, marie kondo, tidying up, clean up clutter, tips to clean up clutter, reduce clutter, feel great now, michelle krill, home organization, tips for home organization, keep your home tidy

When my space is organized, I totally feel better. I read (and listened to) The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I went all Marie Kondo a couple of times. and it helped me for sure! I’m still working on some of my other household members 🙂

You must know that feeling of having everything in its place, right? Like walking into a nice hotel room with fresh, crisp covers and clutter free surfaces. A clean living space has been linked with improved health, better focus and even increased energy, but so many of us are seriously stressed out by clutter — and if you’re anything like me, that clutter can feel like it’s pressing down on you.

Make a quick list of the top 10 things that drive you nuts around the house, determine if they have smaller tasks built in and note the amount of time and money you feel like each will take. There is nothing like starting a project and realizing it’s 20 steps to get it done and may cause budget issues!

In fact, move any projects like that to the bottom of the list for now. We are looking to reduce overwhelm, not blow it up! Read on for my top 5 tips to conquer clutter.

1. Retire old makeup

Check out your makeup drawer…is it cluttered with old samples, lipsticks and foundations that are more than a year old? Ditch them!!! Also, dump anything that is in a cracked or has a weird smell!!

Pro tip -> take out everything you use daily and stay out of your drawer for a few days. Anything you aren’t using, can probably go!

2. Clear a surface

Focus on the one or two clutter spots that constantly make you cringe, like a desk in the kitchen or your dining room table. It might not seem like much, but trust me that it will make your home feel a little neater and might even inspire you to set focus areas to whip into shape.

Pro tip: Gather all the clutter into a single box or basket and then get in some steps returning everything to the proper location!

3. Use a label maker

The label maker is an organizer’s dream! Try labeling your pantry or linen closet shelves. Labeling your utensil drawer helps everyone get the serving forks and spatulas into the right location. Life changing, my friend. I have this brother p touch label maker and I love it! If you’re a meal prepper like me, it’s a lot more efficient to get the work done when things are in their right place.

Pro tip: Get the power adaptor to save money on batteries!

4. Tidy the Linen Closet

This classic move from Martha Stewart will get your linen closet looking lovely! Fold your sheets and stick the sheet set inside a matching pillowcase. This keeps the sets together, makes them easier to store and your face will smile every time you open the closet door. I can’t promise you’ll want to change the sheets any more often though!

5. Weed Your Wardrobe

The Marie Kondo method is the way to go to weed your wardrobe. To start, gather all your clothes from your drawers, closets and other hiding spots and pile them in one place. ALL OF THEM.

Look at each one every piece of clothing and make two piles. One pile will be all the clothes you love to wear, the clothes that make you feel great when you see them and have them on your body.

The other pile also make you feel great. The second pile will be the items that you have loved and now are lovingly passing on to someone else by giving them to a pal or a charity. Think of it this way — if you are not wearing it now, you probably won’t be in the future.

Conquer Clutter

The solution to help conquer clutter starts with tackling things one task at a time. Not everything has to be done perfectly and definitely not all at once. I’m a list maker, and the weekend provides me with bigger blocks of time to cross things off. During the week, focus on keeping up and setting up your plan of attack for the weekend.