Tips to Curb Cravings

Read on for a few tips to curb cravings when they sneak up on you. Do you ever eat when you aren’t really hungry? Or have you found yourself craving a certain type of food? Something sweet, like cupcakes or something crunchy and salty, like chips? One thing is for certain, my friend … you are not alone. 

Every day can seem like a battle when it comes to making food choices, and junk food cravings are the hardest to avoid, and the worst to give into. It is super easy to give in to those cravings that’s for sure. Why do you think we give in to these cravings? 

My clients often report that they give into cravings because of how the food makes them feel when they’re eating it. Relieved, comforted, and satisfied are just a few of the emotions they mention.

Cravings Are About Self Comfort

However, after about three to five minutes of those initial feelings of joy, regret usually begins to set in when you realize what you just consumed had very little nutritional value and may be one of the causes of not reaching your goals as quickly as you’d like to. You start to feel the real consequences of giving in.

Did you know that the feelings of excitement drawing you into a craving may actually be coming from the act of the hunt, and much less from eating the food itself. You know that feeling you get when you’re planning a vacation or an upcoming weekend of fun? It’s that rush of excitement and adrenaline preparing for what’s coming. 

Before reaching for that single Oreo that can quickly turn into consuming a whole sleeve or dipping into a box of pretzels, give this a try. Work to think about what makes you feel that excitement – something that is not food!! Upcoming weekend plans, family outings and activities, organizing your cabinets… There is so much more we can focus on to free our minds from food cravings. Bring up thoughts that make you feel accomplished and guilt-free.

Want another great option? Weight loss can be a side benefit of avoiding cravings! 

When we feel that guilt after giving into a craving, it does not mean that there’s something wrong with you or that you have self-control issues! What’s really going on is  that your body is desiring a boost because it is low on energy/fuel.

curb cravings

Two quick fixes to curb cravings

  1. Drink up! When you feel that craving, it could mean that you’re dehydrated. If this is the case, your body’s reaction is often to crave a starch because it can break down that energy source the fastest. Instead of reaching for that salty or sweet treat, drink up 8-16 ounces of water.  If you struggle with keeping your water intake up, start tracking how much water you drink in a day. Figure out what amount of water you need to feel satisfied and to curb those pesky cravings!
  2. When your body wants quick energy, a craving can kick right in. The body’s most ready form of fuel is through sugar (glucose), which is found in really healthy food (e.g., sweet potatoes, oatmeal, fruit) but is also found the types of foods we crave, like candy, baked sweets, and soda.  When your body wants immediate energy, we feel drawn to those unhealthy junk foods – they are quick and super satisfying – in the moment! Make sure you’re not going more than three hours without having a meal or a healthy snack—whether it’s protein, healthy fats, starches, fruits, whatever. Keeping your body satisfied with good fuel, will help you stop reaching for bad fuel foods.