Stay Motivated

3 Tips to Stay Motivated This Holiday Season

The holiday season ushers in a lot of challenges to stay motivated with your health and wellness. How about this?? Keeping with the slow down due to the pandemic, I vote that we slow down the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

Test drive these three tips to stay motivated during the holiday season. Don’t wait until the new year to commit to protecting your time and energy. Try the 5 Second Rule when you feel less than motivated to make the healthy and wise choices!

Set Boundaries

Keep track of your time and always schedule a little bit of downtime for yourself. Even if you have to grab it hiding away in the bathroom for 10 minutes! I have been loving these 10 minute meditations for focused, but relaxed breaks.

During the holidays it can be easy to overextend yourself, especially when you want to let everyone know just how special they are to you. When you prioritize a few things each and every day, it is easier to say no to distractions. #netflixbinge

Indulge Less, Enjoy More

Holiday cookies are one of my very favorite things! I could eat them ALL!!! Something that works for me is to slow down my treats and work harder to really savor the sweetness of my holiday treats. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing – as in too many cookies makes for feelings of puff and fluff!

Stay focused on clean eating nutrition as often as you can to keep your body in balance when you’re faced with the inevitable holiday season temptations. Try this recipe for a healthier chocolate chip cookie to mix in with the traditional favorites.

Grab a Bestie

When the going gets tough, the tough grab a bestie for an accountability partner! Profess your holiday season goals and schedule daily check ins with each other to stay accountable for plenty of water drinking and daily fitness. Make a list of your challenges and objections ahead of time, so you are ready in the moments of temptation.

Apply for an upcoming accountability bootcamp for year round accountability and support! Fill out the information form here.