ultimate portion fix transformations, upf, portion fix, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix extreme, clean eating, healthy nutrition

Spring Clean Your Habits

Hey there!! Ready to Spring Clean Your Habits with me? Over the past four years, I have learned so much about clean eating, nutrition, and living a healthy lifestyle – enough that I finally consider myself a healthy person. 

I no longer go for quick fix or crash diets, but instead practice new habits that allow me to eat healthy while still enjoying some of the things I love most.  For me that means sweet treats now and then! I really truly love food!  When I have tried to eliminate foods, it always backfires.  It’s been great to learn the balance of foods my body needs to work the best and I have been able to say goodbye to the fluffy & puffy feeling I used to get from my eating habits.

Over the past 4 years I have been on my own personal health and fitness journey. The year I was going to turn 45, I realized I had to make a change or give in to a life of momjeans. I didn’t feel very fashionable. I didn’t feel very good at all. inside or outside.

I did 21 days of working out at home and lost 8 lbs.  I was so excited about that – even better was that I felt amazing and I wanted to keep going. I continued on and noticed that my body was tightening and shaping up thanks to the nutrition plan and all body workouts.

ultimate portion fix transformations, upf, portion fix, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix extreme, clean eating, healthy nutrition, 21 day fix,

Over the years, I can tall you that for sure that 80% of your results actually do come from the foods that you eat.  It’s hard to keep it to yourself when you know that it’s not hard to eat clean. It takes learning about it, trying new things and PRACTICING!!! New habits don’t take root without a lot of practice. I work with many women – helping them get started, make the mindset shift and TAKE ACTION.

I started with the  21 Day Fix Extreme I didn’t know much about the nutrition plan or the workouts, so I studied up, cleaned out my pantry, stocked up my fridge and pressed play. It didn’t take long until I completely believed in the principles. I got that there is science behind it and I shared it with others. 

ultimate portion fix transformations, upf, portion fix, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix extreme, clean eating, healthy nutrition
Taco Salad and a Side of Blueberries

I’m a teacher and a mom of two – I know the power of education. The 21 day fix programs really just scratched the surface when it came to nutrition.  The program’s nutritional guide wasn’t as much about WHY to eat this way – it was more about the HOW.  Change is in the air, my friend. The Ultimate Portion Fix will educate you on a deeper level, giving you the science and the WHY behind we should eat this way.  When we know WHY we are doing something, we are much more likely to stick with it.

I’m ready to help as many women as possible truly make a lifestyle change with the Ultimate Portion Fix program.

Support to Spring Clean Your Habits

Ready. Set. Success.

As I coach I host support groups using an exclusive app. It’s a wonderful, safe space for my clients to talk about their daily challenges and cheer each other on. It’s a virtual support group and I provide motivation and tips from my own personal toolbox that have helped me to create a sustainable lifestyle for myself and others. It is honestly one of my favorite parts about coaching because I love being able to help you achieve your health and fitness goals in an environment where you can also make new friends.

In the Spring Clean Your Habits group, I am also going to help you with:

  • meal planning
  • understanding portion sizes
  • cutting out processed foods
  • dealing with your sugar addictions
  • how to stay on track when you are traveling or busy
  • getting your whole family on board with clean eating
  • and more!

The group will start April 29th and workouts will start whenever you’re ready!

Ultimate Portion Fix Results

When can I get started on my healthy lifestyle?


ultimate portion fix transformations, upf, portion fix, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix extreme, clean eating, healthy nutrition

Success Stories from the Test Group

Of course, I couldn’t tell you all about the program without providing some results! These are transformations from coaches who were selected to be in the Test Group. They worked through weeks of the program before anyone else and they really rocked it!!  Seriously, this program will change your life and the principles that we teach are ones that you can use forever! You can be a healthy person.

ultimate portion fix transformations, upf, portion fix, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix extreme, clean eating, healthy nutrition

Ready to get started? Fill out the application below to join the Spring Clean Your Habits success group to take control of your nutrition this spring!  Spots will fill up fast so do not delay!!!