5 Cleaner Living Tips

Looking for cleaner living tips  for your routines? When I made the move to clean eating a few years ago, I realized there are a lot of areas that can be “cleaned up” around the house too. Read on for 5 tips for cleaner eating, shopping, cleaning, and living.

Spruce Up Your Skin Care Routine

Our skin provides a short route into the body. Look through your product lineup and start skipping products with fragrances, additives, or preservatives, such as parabens. Ask a dermatologist or doctor about ingredients that you don’t recognize on your soaps, lotions and makeup packages, so you can make the cleanest choice possible. My favorite soaps, lotions and shampoo bars are from Rodan & Fields and Green Daisy Soaps.

Give Labels a Look Over

Extra ingredients in your foods, like dyes, preservatives, additives, added sugar, and sodium do little for your health. In some cases, they may even be harmful. Whole, unprocessed foods are safest. A good rule of thumb: The fewer ingredients, the cleaner the food product. Aim for 5 ingredients or less when you’re analyzing labels in the grocery store. 

Pack In Plant-Based Foods

A clean eating lifestyle starts with foods that come from nature. Keep your focus on veggies, fruits, and whole grains. Round out these healthy plant based choices with healthy protein options, such as low-fat dairy, lean meats, fish, beans, nuts, and seeds.

Choose Plant Based Foods

Bring Your Own Bag

Keep a stockpile of reusable shopping bags in your car and grab a fold-up one for your purse. (For when you forget the bag in the car:) Many stores encourage the use of your own bag and others are now charging customers for a bag if they do not have one along. Get in the habit of bringing your own bag now and start saving some space in the landfills.

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Bring Your Own Bag

Take Your Cleaning Tasks Green

Even cleaners with a “green” or “natural” label can have ingredients that aren’t any good and can harm health. Do a cleaning supply checkup — start replacing chemical cleaners with staples from your pantry like vinegar, baking soda, or even plain, old warm water. Norwex cleaners and cloths are a great way to take your cleaning green! Clean with water most of the time and ditch the paper towels too.