5 Tips to Get Back on Track

Read on for 5 tips to get back on track. Seriously, no one is perfect 100% of the time! Whether you need to recover from a little staycation fiesta or a family backyard barbecue, these 5 tips will help! A bonus tip is to keep yourself accountable with a tracker or an accountability buddy. Apply for my next Feel Great Now bootcamp if you need an extra level of accountability. The trick is to just get started, my friend!

Stop Beating Yourself Up

Do not skip this step. We all have setbacks. Do your best to avoid feeling guilty about it when it happens. You’re not a bad person just because you slipped up. Setbacks are often a motivation reset. The key to pumping up the motivation mojo is to not dwell on the past, but instead make a plan of action for the near future.

make a comeback

Learn From The Past

We have to look at our setbacks with a careful eye to help us recognize what causes us to fall off the diet wagon. That way you are less likely to react the same way the next time a detour option pops up. Write down a list of the situations that trigger you to lose your willpower, and plan an alternative for each. For example, if after dinner snacking is your downfall, have a healthy snack soon after dinner to keep your appetite in check before bed.

Create a Schedule and Stick to It

Put your high priority tasks on your daily and weekly schedule. It might be most helpful to make a list of things to do and then actually use the list to stay on top of important tasks. Schedule your meals, your workouts, your self care time, your household tasks, business time and family time too!

Fill up on Veggies

You are what you eat! Try focusing on getting vegetables in at every meal and snack. Veggies are high in fiber and may help promote weight loss and feelings of fullness. Celery with hummus, tomato and cucumber salad and baked kale chips all make nutritious, delicious snack options.

Go For a Walk

Walking can improve your mood and reduce some of the negative feelings that may trigger emotional eating. It can help increase stomach emptying after eating, reduce body fat and improve your mood to help get you back on track.